Our Services

Pagett & Whetzel Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has provided personalized dental care to thousands of families. Our patients come from around the block as well as the surrounding counties to experience the warm, individual care we provide. We pride ourselves in utilizing the most modern equipment and methods available.

A description of some of the services we offer can be found below:

Bonding is performed to close spaces between your teeth, alter the alignment of your teeth, fill chipped teeth or for cosmetic purposes in order to help you achieve a stunning smile. Bonding involves adhering a composite resin material matched to the color of your tooth to the front of the tooth. A primer or bond agent is applied so the bonding material adheres to the surface. The composite resin material is placed on the tooth and hardened with a special light. Finally, the composite resin material is shaped and polished to a fabulous finish.

A bridge is an option for filling the space created by a missing tooth. One or more artificial teeth are cemented into place using the teeth on either side for support, hence the name “bridge”. The bridge replaces missing teeth, both functionally and cosmetically.

A crown, also referred to as a cap, is used to entirely cover a damaged tooth. A crown not only strengthens a tooth, but it can dramatically improve a tooth’s appearance, shape and alignment. Crowns may be used to replace a large filling when there is little tooth structure remaining, restore a fractured tooth or protect a weak tooth from fracturing, or cover a tooth that has had root canal treatment.

During your visit to our hygienist, you will receive a professional dental cleaning to remove the buildup of plaque (a bacterial film that can cause decay) and tartar (hardened plaque). Your cleaning will include scaling (removing plaque and tartar by manual and electronic means) and polishing (finishing the surface of the teeth to make them shiny and clean). Regular professional cleanings help you maintain your beautiful smile.

Dentures replace lost teeth. There is an adjustment period after dentures are placed in the mouth, and it can take some getting used to. No one enjoys losing their natural teeth, but you can still eat and talk normally with dentures. Implants can also be used to further stabilize the dentures.

Good oral hygiene should always be practiced since the loss of a single tooth can have major impact upon your oral health and appearance. Although we will use every measure to prevent tooth loss, sometimes there are still necessary occasions when a tooth may need to be extracted. For example, a tooth may need to be extracted if the following occurs:

  • Severe decay
  • Advanced periodontal disease
  • Infection
  • Fractured teeth or roots
  • Impacted teeth

Sometimes cavities happen. When a tooth is damaged by decay, a filling can help restore the tooth back to its normal function and shape. If you have a tooth that requires a filling, we will first remove the decay, clean the affected area, and then restore the tooth with a filling material. A filling also helps prevent further decay by closing off any cracks or spaces where bacteria can enter.

A dental implant may be an ideal tooth restoration for people who are missing one or more teeth. A dental implant is a metallic man-made root that an oral surgeon surgically positions into the jaw. Once the implant is in place, and bone surrounding the implant has had time to heal, a replacement tooth is attached to the metallic root. Implants may be a more favorable approach than bridgework since they do not depend on neighboring teeth for support.

Mouth guards are a great, low cost measure to protect you during contact sports. They not only protect your teeth and mouth from potentially harmful blows, but may also provide protection for concussions as well. We are fortunate enough to be able to take the impressions and make the mouth guards in our office.

Sealants are used to fill in narrow grooves in a tooth that cannot be adequately cleaned by brushing. In some cases, the tooth structure has fine grooves or pits which accumulate plaque which will develop cavities over time. We apply a coating that seals the grooves and pits, making it possible to prevent decay. We recommend that all children should have sealants.

Many people have TMJ problems because of the involuntary habits of clenching or grinding their teeth (bruxism), especially at night. Problems in your temporal-mandibular joint (TMJ problems) can cause headaches, earaches, trouble closing your mouth, clicking or popping of the jaw, and pain or soreness in the jaw. Dental treatments to solve these problems are varied, but can include replacing missing teeth, moving teeth, adjusting your bite, filling gaps between the teeth or creating a mouthpiece (night guard) to prevent clenching or grinding that may be contributing to the problem.

Teeth whitening is an effective way to make teeth whiter and brighter. Bleaching can be used to whiten stained and discolored teeth, or simply to enhance a dull smile.  Our office offers a take home whitening kit that can be made in just a few days.  An impression is made of your teeth and the tray is made in our lab.  Come in and see how you can make your smile a little brighter.

Veneers, also known as porcelain laminates, are a dental procedure in which a covering is placed over the outside, visible area of the tooth. Veneers are usually only done to the part of the teeth that are visible when talking or smiling. To create a veneer, the teeth are prepared, impressions taken, and the teeth are given a temporary covering. Two weeks later, the temporaries are removed and the veneers are bonded to the teeth, enhancing your smile. Veneers are usually not recommended for teeth that have large fillings or little tooth structure.

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